CollectCo tracking

CollectCo tracking


Track your CollectCo parcels with Ship24 by entering your CollectCo tracking numbers. Enter up to 10 CollectCo tracking numbers and get all the latest tracking updates that you need whenever and wherever you are.

CollectCo package tracking

How do I track my CollectCo parcels?

CollectCo offers parcel tracking through its integration with Ship24, which allows customers to track their parcels on CollectCo's website or app by simply entering their CollectCo tracking number. CollectCo provides live updates on the status of the parcels during their journey, including pick-up, transit, and delivery. The service makes it easy to stay informed about your parcel's progress.

With Ship24, you can track more than 1,200 couriers from around the world such as Singapore Post, Malaysia Post, USPS, DHL, and much more!

What is CollectCo?

CollectCo is a network of collection centres that offer parcel and collection services in ASEAN. Their goal is to change and improve the last mile e-fulfilment in ASEAN by making sure that the eCommerce experience is stress-free.

Their mission is to boost the eCommerce ecosystem in ASEAN by establishing a collection centre in various locations in ASEAN.

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